  • Balanced and proportioned physique from left to right side as well as top to bottom.
  • No one-body part should overpower the rest of the physique.
  • Toned muscular athletic build
  • No extreme muscle density or mass
  • Developed shoulders
  • V-taper
  • Small waist, not blocky
  • Defined abs
  • Muscle separation but no striations.
Front Pose - The hips and feet MUST face the judges and the arms can remain at the sides. This gives the judges a look at your symmetry. Side Pose 1 - From the front pose, competitors execute a ¼ turn to the right and adjust stance:  Upper body turned towards judges, so the rear shoulder can be seen, but nothing exaggerated. The hips MUST face the side of the stage. You may turn your head and look directly at the judges. Rear Pose - From the side pose, competitors execute a ¼ turn to the right and face the curtain or rear of the stage. Arms are to be at sides with the hands hanging freely-palms towards the body.  Lat’s open to show upper body symmetry but not over flared. Side Pose 2 - From the rear pose, competitors execute a ¼ turn to the right and adjust stance:  Upper body turned towards judges, so the rear shoulder can be seen, but nothing exaggerated. The hips MUST face the side of the stage. You may turn your head and look directly at the judges.
  • Open, Novice, Pro
  • Teen/Collegiate: Ages 14-22
  • Masters: Ages 35+
  • Athletes will wear board shorts that are waist high and about an inch shorter than the knee.
  • INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION (Model Walk)Each competitor will execute the model walk. The competitor will be judged on presentation and poise. Poses will be performed at the following locations on stage.....
    1. Rear Center Stage (Front Pose)
    2. Front Right Side Of Stage (Side Pose facing center stage)
    3. Front Center stage (Front & Rear Pose)
    4. Front Left Side Of Stage (Side Pose facing center stage)
  • GROUP SYMMETRY (Quarter Turns) – Symmetry encompasses overall balance of shape and muscle balance from top to bottom and right to left.
  • GROUP MUSCULARITY/CONDITIONING (Quarter Turns) – Athletes will be judged on conditioning by executing a series of mandatory poses. Competitors must hit all the mandatory poses in a timely manner. Remember every time a poses is called for the judges are looking at the complete package from top to bottom and right to left, not just that body part.
NOTE: For larger events with a high athlete count, the model walk may be reduced to only 2-3 poses per athlete at the front center stage location. The head judge will go over this at the athlete meeting.